

SeaMonitor is an international consortium of nine expert organisations, delivering groundbreaking research on an unprecedented scale. Led by Loughs Agency, the project was developed and implemented jointly by all partners working together across a range of activities, using the latest technology to improve our understanding of some of our ocean’s most vulnerable species. 

Applying the Learning 

Collecting data and advancing the science is key to research projects like SeaMonitor, but it is not the only aspect of the project. The SeaMonitor team has translated the learning into recommendations for policies, management plans and opportunities for future research to help better manage and protect vulnerable species in our oceans. 

Over the life of the project, we have worked with local fisheries, angling clubs and skippers. Although different groups have different relationships with the marine environment, they all share an interest in better protecting and managing it. In 2022, for example, Loughs Agency worked in partnership with the rivers Roe and Faughan angling clubs, with each contributing towards the purchase of additional tags for the tracking of sea trout. This led to generating more data and a better understanding of the movements and survival rates of the species so that the respective river systems can be better managed. The work represents a model of best practice for future research. 

Ultimately, what has made the SeaMonitor project successful is the people involved. 

Behind every detection is a story of not only the animal but the scientists, administrators and crew that enabled the data to be generated. From planning and procuring equipment to deployments, tagging and retrieval, it is the dedication and professionalism of all the staff involved that has driven the work. Find out more about the SeaMonitor project, here.