Loughs Agency launches Public Consultation on Climate Action Plan

Loughs Agency launches Public Consultation on Climate Action Plan

A public consultation has been launched on Loughs Agency’s draft Climate Action Plan, which outlines how the organisation aims to reduce its carbon emissions in the coming years.

The consultation, which will run for a period of twelve weeks, will provide members of the public with the opportunity to share their thoughts on Loughs Agency’s plans to combat climate change.

A draft version of the Climate Action Plan has been developed, reflecting the leadership role the organisation wishes to take while supporting a modal shift away from high carbon energy and implementing climate-resilient solutions for both the Foyle and Carlingford catchment areas.

The headline commitment from the draft Climate Action Plan is Loughs Agency’s Climate Ambition, defined as follows: “To reduce our greenhouse gas emissions by 51% by 2030 and to be a net zero carbon and climate-resilient Agency by 2050.” These targets will help the organisation fall in line with the ambitions of strategic stakeholders and respective government departments.

In addition, the plan will help ensure that Loughs Agency remains at the forefront of developing and leading in the field of climate adaptation and mitigation, further enhancing its mission in protecting the natural environment and the species within Foyle and Carlingford.

Loughs Agency will be holding two information sessions in November, with staff present at both sessions to answer questions on the draft plan while also assisting with the feedback process.

These events will take place as follows:

  • Loughs Agency HQ, Prehen, Wednesday 8th November from 5pm-8pm
  • The Foy Centre, Dundalk St, Carlingford, Thursday 9th November from 5pm-8pm

Alternatively, those interested in having their say on these strategy documents can do so in their own time by completing the survey, which can be found on Loughs Agency’s website. The draft plan in full can also be found on the website.

Sharon McMahon, Loughs Agency CEO, commented: “Climate change is now an immediate reality, and the work of Loughs Agency has never been more relevant in protecting the aquatic environment in our catchments. The impacts of climate change are already being felt on the aquatic ecosystems that we protect, conserve, and develop. We are acutely aware of the delicate ecological balance within these aquatic habitats and how this balance relates to wider ecosystems and to the wider communities who live within these areas.

“While the Agency has statutory obligations and targets regarding climate action in both jurisdictions, a planned response to climate change is at the heart of what we do. In our remit to conserve and protect the catchments under our care, we develop nature-based solutions to the challenges of climate change and implement these solutions through adaptation and mitigation strategies. Thus Loughs Agency, as an environmental organisation, has an opportunity to show leadership in this area and be an exemplar of best practice in response to climate change.”

The draft plan and link to the survey will be available on the Consultations section of the Loughs Agency website from 8th November.