Invasive Species

Invasive Non-Native Species (INNS) cause chaos globally by settling outside their natural habitats. These unwanted invaders usually sneak into wider areas through human actions, with aquatic species in rivers and lakes left vulnerable. Loughs Agency is on a mission to protect our waterways from these unwelcome guests to ensure that native species continue to thrive.

Asian Clam

Asian Clam

Status: Established               

Habitat: Freshwater

Threat: Competes with native species, biofouling


  • yellowish/brown ‘globular’ shell

  • distinctive rounded, concentric, evenly spaced ridges on the shell surface

  • occasional flakes leaving white patches

  • shells normally 20–25mm long.


  • establishes itself quickly, highly invasive

  • filter feeder which adapts to a variety of environments

  • displaces native freshwater pearl mussel.


  • clogs gravel beds in rivers, hindering their use by spawning salmon

  • clogs drains and pipes creating cost issues

  • outcompetes aquatic bottom-living species

  • interferes with sand and gravel extraction.

If you come across an invasive species you can record it on the iRecord App, CEDaR or iNaturalist.  The information will be used by Invasive Species NI to inform landowners of their legal obligation to manage invasive species on their property.